Travelling the long way round to help the planet AlumniClimate and ConservationGlobalRaleigh ExpeditionVenturer Stories Travelling the long way round to help the planet We left home 22 days ago, on our way to volunteer in rural Nepal with Raleigh International. Making our way…wpengineFebruary 14, 2020
Ten years of action: We stand with Generation Change AlumniRaleigh News Ten years of action: We stand with Generation Change We have ten years left to save the planet. Scientists around the world agree that if we continue the trajectory…wpengineJanuary 31, 2020
Volunteering is never a waste of time AlumniCorporate VolunteeringVenturer Stories Volunteering is never a waste of time My name is Angel Beno, I am 24 years old, and I work for Raleigh Tanzania as a skills-based volunteer…wpengineDecember 23, 2019
Celebrating Google employee Rick and his contribution to Raleigh International AlumniCorporate VolunteeringRaleigh News Celebrating Google employee Rick and his contribution to Raleigh International On projects driven by young people and Google employees, Raleigh leverages the skill of Google employees to enable rural youth…wpengineDecember 3, 2019
Why I am fighting against plastics and you should too AlumniClimate and ConservationGlobalStoriesVenturer Stories Why I am fighting against plastics and you should too Every year 8 million tonnes of plastic enters our oceans through our rivers. But it’s not just our oceans, its…wpengineAugust 28, 2019
Becoming Global Youth Leaders AlumniClimate and ConservationCosta RicaVenturer Stories Becoming Global Youth Leaders Becoming Global Youth Leaders English Español English We caught up with Natalia Martinez, aged 20, a previous host country…wpengineAugust 14, 2019
Former volunteer leading climate action in Scotland: ‘It’s 30 years since I volunteered with Raleigh International, but I still carry its legacy even now.’ AlumniGlobalRaleigh Expedition Former volunteer leading climate action in Scotland: ‘It’s 30 years since I volunteered with Raleigh International, but I still carry its legacy even now.’ Former Volunteer Leading Climate Action in Scotland ‘It all began with volunteering; with Raleigh, in Malaysian Borneo and then Edinburgh…wpengineJune 13, 2019
RB and Raleigh Tanzania: Volunteers share knowledge and skills to drive behaviour change in rural Tanzania AlumniWater, Sanitation and Hygiene RB and Raleigh Tanzania: Volunteers share knowledge and skills to drive behaviour change in rural Tanzania wpengineJune 13, 2019
#TheTimeIsNow: Join us and lobby for climate action AlumniGlobal #TheTimeIsNow: Join us and lobby for climate action Join us and thousands of young people from around the country to send a message to our politicians – it’s…wpengineJune 4, 2019
Youth Climate Action: Your Voice Matters AlumniGlobal Youth Climate Action: Your Voice Matters Have your say – send a message The global youth environmental movement is rapidly gaining momentum. #YouthStrikeforClimate has already mobilised…wpengineApril 18, 2019