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Kathmandu Recycles: Young People Tackling Nepal's Plastics Crisis

Young people in Nepal’s capital city are saying Action Not Excuses through their campaign, Kathmandu Recycles, to beat the plastic crisis.

Plastic pollution is a big problem in Kathmandu which impacts people and wildlife across the city. The young people of the Kathmandu Recycles campaign is aiming to tackle this issue head on through their work to reduce single-use plastics and encourage others to reduce plastic waste in their everyday lives. Meet some of the members of Kathmandu Recycles and learn about their motivations for this campaign. 


Meet Sanjit

“Plastic is a major problem in the city areas of Nepal. With recycling technology currently rudimentary in the country, a lot of the plastic gets either burnt or landfilled. Kathmandu Recycles strives to bring behavior change and educate people to adopt a lifestyle of limited waste whereby we respect our city, country and planet in our pursuit of production, consumption and disposal.

Climate action needs to be immediate. Climate change is not a future phenomenon but something that is transpiring today and effecting millions of lives and livelihoods. Mitigation and adaptation measures need to be taken tMeeoday in order to protect our future and our children’s future and not transgress crucial tipping points in the Earth’s ecosystem that could cause irreversible damages. If we do not act today, we do not have a tomorrow.”

Meet Prakriti

“Being an avid outdoor enthusiast, I love to spend most of my time in nature. I determined to know about the things I care most about such as environmental action and sustainable practices. The main driving factor to for me joining this campaign is that it is a youth led campaign, where like-minded young people are using this platform for amplifying our voices and taking action on the issue of green growth.

We have to change our ways before it is too late. Our bold ideas and brave actions will be build an initiative so people actually realise the adverse effects of plastic waste and will serve as a role model to other young people who are also discovering their potential to lead changes in the society. All we need to do is act. I believe small actions from individual will add up to the significant progress.”

Meet Prabitra

“Be the part of solution, not pollution.

I always used to think is there any solution for reducing plastic. Kathmandu has always been the centre of Nepal’s history, art, culture, and economy for many years. As the population of Kathmandu is increasing the use of plastic is also increasing. We are aware that it takes about 500 years to one single bag to biodegrade. Some end up in side of the road areas other end up in our river bank which is harmful for both living being & nature. When I first heard about Kathmandu Recycles I wanted to take part in it so that we can come up with ideas and solutions to beat plastic & implement laws banning plastic for better future.”

Meet Manasa

Plastic pollution is one of the major factors contributing to the intense climate crisis we are in today. However, plastic takes one of the top places for being hard to eliminate from the society due to its easy availability, cheap pricing, lack of alternatives and deep-rooted behavior of plastic use in Nepal.

Kathmandu Recycles is not just another campaign advocating against the harms of single-use plastics, but it is tackling the problem with multiple approaches. Kathmandu Recycles works on advocating to enforce laws, creating green jobs, generating alternatives to single-use plastics, creating a movement of young people to switch to sustainable alternatives and also partnering with various organizations / individuals to generate and innovate solutions to plastic waste. I am a part of Kathmandu recycles not only because I believe in the cause but also because I have faith in the approach we are taking towards the problem.

Meet Aayusha

“The problem of plastic pollution is a real global problem and yet the effort to tackle it seems to be minimal and inadequate. We have to admit that the use of plastic has now become a culture and people are seen to use it regardless of their awareness on its adverse effects. The problem exists and so someone has to do something about it. I believe that small steps matter. Kathmandu Recycles for me is that small step which will ultimately lead to something big. It’s a youth led campaign which comprises of a group of like-minded youths rooting for change! This in itself is a great motivation for me to be a part of it. It reminds me of the power that we all possess.

The campaign focuses on empowering green entrepreneurs, strengthening the laws and providing reasonable alternatives to plastic. It aims to bring behavioral change in people and set an example to the world itself. It’s a time for ACTION NOT EXCUSES.”

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