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Wellbeing at Raleigh

A core part of our mission is to create life-enhancing journeys and transformational experiences for young people aged 17-24

We know that by embracing the challenge of a Raleigh Expedition, you broaden your horizons, grow in independence and develop a truly global and charitable view of others. In doing so, you increase your confidence to persevere through life’s ups and downs, and ultimately, realise your true potential.

However, we know that for you to start this adventure journey with us, you need to know we have your back. We understand that taking on an Expedition comes with challenges and that you will need support throughout your volunteer programme. Your safety has always been a priority at Raleigh, but we are also committed to doing all that we can to protect your mental health and wellbeing whilst on Expedition. This is how.

1. Raleigh is for everyone

Whoever you are, wherever you come from, you are welcome to join the Raleigh family. Raleigh is for everyone.

We are an organisation not affiliated with a particular religion, political party or any other group. Raleigh runs a policy of inclusive and non-discriminatory selection and placement of volunteers onto all our programmes.

We are dedicated to greater diversity and inclusion within our own organisation and provide equal opportunity to people of all races, ethnicities, religions, genders, sexual orientations, gender identifications and abilities.

2. You can talk to us

We know that sharing about your mental health and wellbeing can be difficult, but our team greatly understands the challenges that young people face today and we are dedicated to supporting you the best way we can. We will listen to your concerns and can put plans in place to support your needs.

We have lots of resources available to ensure that your mental health and wellbeing is protected on programme, so by taking the first step in being open and honest about your wellbeing, we will be able to support you to have an Expedition best suited for you.

3. All full-time staff are mental health first aid trained

All our key project staff in Costa Rica and South Africa are certified for supporting mental health in adventurous settings.

Through a training course on understanding of the differences between mental health and mental ill health, are well versed in understanding different types of mental ill health issues and identifying if a volunteer may be experiencing issues. The course shows that by understanding mental health, it is possible to work together to create an environment that eliminates negativity, isolation, and discrimination and provides an inclusive, non-judgemental, and supportive environment promoting the wellbeing of all.

On project, a volunteer should feel confident to turn to the project team for support and can know that asking for help will be received positively and supportively. 

4. Specific Wellbeing Volunteer Managers role

The role of the Wellbeing Coordinator is to help create an environment where volunteers feel safe and secure so you can get the most out of your Expedition experience.

They have a background in a field such as counselling, and are there if you need someone to talk to. They are your back up on a tough day, along with your team, to keep you going.

We will work with you and the Wellbeing Coordinators to understand how best to support you.

5. Health and wellbeing plans

As part of the pre-departure process, all our volunteers have to fill in a health form.

This form is designed to gain information about your health to ensure we can support you to participate fully in the programme. This will help us plan what you will need to do to prepare and what Raleigh needs to do to ensure you can have a positive healthy volunteering experience.

If you would like to know more, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. 


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