It Begins Now and With You, Because Tomorrow is Too Late
It Begins Now and With You, Because Tomorrow is Too Late
My name is Fantatoure Ally. I volunteered with Raleigh Tanzania on a 10-week volunteer programme in 2019, when I worked on environmental projects in Kibao and Kihanga communities.
With my team of fellow volunteers, we took action to protect the natural vegetation and forest in Kibao and Kihanga villages by providing education for people in rural areas on the importance of preserving the environment.
To support the preservation of the natural forest in these communities, we provided education on how to construct rocket stoves. Rocket stoves are efficient and hot burning stoves which using small-diameter wood fuel. Many rural communities use firewood as a source of energy in the preparation of food, but rocket stoves help to reduce the amount of firewood used for cooking, limiting the need for deforestation.
We also held awareness raising sessions with young students on the importance of environmental preservation. Tree planting can combat the negative impact that deforestation has on our communities, so it is vital that the next generation learn and understand about the importance of planting for the future.
In both Kihanga and Kibao we planted more than 150,000 pine patches in tree nurseries which in future years will support communities here. People will be able generate income from those trees while reducing the amount of deforestation in these areas.
I believe we have made a lasting impact in the lives of the people in Kibao and Kihanga village in Mufindi. The work that I and my fellow volunteers did on our project will bring a positive impact in short term and long term, both environmentally and financially.
If we all put our hands together we can fight climate change. It begins with you, now, because tommorow is too late.
Together young people are taking action to protect the environment. There is no planet B, so let’s protect the one we have. The time is now.
This Earth Day young people are taking action to protect the planet. What are you doing to tackle the climate crisis? Let us know at