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Local Nepolese says, "Anyone from Raleigh is Always Welcome”

A Day in My Life: Balancing Responsibilities as a Teacher and Livestock Keeper

“I normally wake up at around half past five, have breakfast, milk the cows and buffaloes, and look after my goats. I work as a primary school teacher, and it takes me two hours to walk to school. I arrive home around six o’clock and take care of my animals before having dinner and going to bed.”

Water Challenges in My Village: Dependence on Public Water Taps

“Before Raleigh was here, my village got all their water from local public water taps. It would take me 5-10 minutes to walk to the stand, and a queue of people collected their water when I arrived. Collecting all the water I needed would take up to two hours. During the dry season, there isn’t always enough water.

“Lots of things have improved for me in the past three months since Raleigh came to my village. I have seen the volunteers care for themselves so well; for instance, they treat their water before they drink it to ensure it is pure.

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Embracing Cultural Exchange: Inspiring Lessons from Raleigh Volunteers

“I am optimistic about my future and the future of the community. Our collective hygiene has improved thanks to Raleigh. My only fear is that now that technology is taking over, the people in my village will get materialistic and care about these things rather than being helpful. We are a close community, and we share lots.

“Before the volunteers arrived, I was worried about the communication barrier and how hard the cultural shock would be for them. After spending some time with them, I have been inspired by their discipline. They are much more hardworking than I expected, and seeing them try hard to learn Nepalese and spend their time working in my community makes me so happy. The only negative thing is that this has made me realize how behind the West we are, and that we need help to learn all these things about water purification and hygiene.

a volunteer interviewing a local man

Raleigh’s Impact: Transforming Hygiene Practices and Water Access

“There was an issue before the volunteers arrived: people weren’t sure if they wanted them in their house and whether it would be difficult. We have had the volunteers here for a while; everyone wants to have them in their house as they’ve seen how good they are and how easy it is to look after them. I like the volunteers to live here for as long as possible because we all like having them around.

“It has struck me how helpful these people are, that even though they live far away, they want to help us and to help us grow, I am thankful not just from my perspective but from the whole community. I am grateful to Goreto Gorkha also [Raleigh’s local partner NGO], for being an intermediary between us and Raleigh. Anyone from Raleigh is always welcome to stay with us, no matter when they come. I am thankful to everyone who came here, and I will remember them for the rest of my life, and I hope they remember me.”

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