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Social Accountability Monitoring Begins in Dodoma & Morogoro


Vijana 164 walipatiwa Mafunzo na kuwa Wafuatiliaji wa mradi ndani ya Jamii zao. Mkoa wa Dodoma na Morogoro kuna jumla ya vijiji 74 ikiwa 30 ni kutoka Morogoro na 60 ni kutoka Dodoma) Wafuatiliaji wa Jamii walipewa mafunzo jinsi ya kushiriki katika ufuatiliaji wa miradi kwa kutumia mfumo wa Ushirikishaji (Community Integrity Building). Pia kutakuwa na Kikundi ndani ya Jamii kwa ajili ya kutatua changamoto zitakazojitokeza ndani ya jamii husika

Community Monitors in Seluka, Iwondo, Mima and Chitemo who completed their CIB Training

Mkoa wa Dodoma pekee kuna wafuatiliaji 108 wanaofuatilia maendeleo ya mradi wa MKAJI (Maji kwa Afya ya Jamii). Mradi huu unatekelezwa na CBHCC na kufadhiliwa na Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC. Mradi wa SAY unafanya ufuatiliaji ndani ya vijiji 54 katika Wilaya 5 (Kongwa, Dodoma MC, Chamwino na Bahi) ndani ya Mkoa wa Dodoma. Kwa kutumia mfumo wa teknolojia wa Development Check vijana wana uwezo wa kuweka taarifa za Mradi.


Two Community Monitors are conducting a beneficiary survey with one of the Community members in Mbabala B village, Dodoma using the Development Check App.           

Morogoro, kuna vijana 60 walioanza kufanya Ufuatiliaji wa Mradi wa Tanzania Forest Conservation Forest (Mkaa Endelevu) katika maeneo ya Mvomero, Kilosa na Morogoro vijijini. Kwa kushirikiana na jamii Wafuatiliaji wa Mradi waliweza kuonana na Uongozi wa vijiji ili kuutambulisha zaidi mradi pamoja kupata taarifa za maendeleo ya mradi wa Mkaa Endelevu (Sustainable Charcoal).


Two community Monitors from Maharaka village, Morogoro presenting SAY project and how they will work together with village leaders in monitoring Sustainable Charcoal Project

Tunategemea kufanya ufuatiliaji wa miradi ya TFCG, SIMAVI, Shahidi wa Maji na Care International. Tunatarajia kufanya kazi na vijana 358 waliopewa mafunzo ya kutumia mfumo wa Community Integrity Building (CIB) na Mradi huu utakuwa unafanya kazi ndani ya vijiji 179.

Mradi wa Uwajibikaji Wa Jamii Kupitia Vijana unafanya kazi kwa makubaliano ya Ofisi ya Rais Tawala za Mkoa na Serikali za Mitaa kupitia Randama kati ya Raleigh Tanzania na  Halmashauri za Wilaya husika.





So far, 164 young people have been trained on the Community Integrity Building Approach and certified to be Community Monitors. They will be working in 74 communities in Dodoma and Morogoro (30 villages in Morogoro and 44 communities in Dodoma respectively). The CMs (Community Monitors) have been trained to implement Social Accountability through Youth project in their communities. CMs work with their local communities in monitoring the progress of projects. This will involve the formation of Joint Working Groups (JWGs) who will be responsible for finding solutions to challenges and issues that have been raised through monitoring and JWGs

Community Monitors in Seluka, Iwondo, Mima and Chitemo who completed their CIB Training

In Dodoma, 108 Community Monitors have begun monitoring the MKAJI project (Maji kwa Afya ya Jamii). The donor of the project is the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by a consortium including Simavi and Community-Based Health-Care Council (CBHCC). The SAY project will monitor 54 communities in 5 districts (Mpwapwa, Kongwa, Dodoma MC, Chamwino and Bahi). The CMs are trained to utilise technology via the Development Check App which is installed in a smartphone to input data and shared online.


Two Community Monitors are conducting a beneficiary survey with one of the Community members in Mbabala B village, Dodoma using the Development Check App

In Morogoro 60 Community Monitors conducted their first monitoring visits in Kilosa, Mvomero and Morogoro Rural Tanzania Forest Conservation Group (TFCG) are implementing sustainable charcoal project here. CMs met village leaders to introduce and explain how they work with the community throughout the SAY project.

Two community Monitors from Maharaka village, Morogoro presenting SAY project and how they will work together with village leaders in monitoring Sustainable Charcoal Project

Social Accountability through Youth (SAY) will be monitoring 179 communities implementing four different projects:

  1. Tanzania Forest Conservation Group (TFCG)- Transforming Tanzania’s Charcoal Sector
  2. SIMAVI – MKAJI project
  3. Shahidi wa Maji – Fair Water Future II
  4. Care Tanzania – Tajirika Na Kilimo Project (TNK)

All of our work on SAY is endorsed through our MOU with PO RALG and officialised through MOUs with all of our LGA partners.


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