The first rule of fighting climate change is to SHOUT about climate change Climate and ConservationGlobalStories The first rule of fighting climate change is to SHOUT about climate change When I think of Climate Change, I think of the film Fight Club. I think about this passage: ‘’We’re the…wpengineSeptember 20, 2019
Why I am fighting against plastics and you should too AlumniClimate and ConservationGlobalStoriesVenturer Stories Why I am fighting against plastics and you should too Every year 8 million tonnes of plastic enters our oceans through our rivers. But it’s not just our oceans, its…wpengineAugust 28, 2019
Becoming Global Youth Leaders AlumniClimate and ConservationCosta RicaVenturer Stories Becoming Global Youth Leaders Becoming Global Youth Leaders English Español English We caught up with Natalia Martinez, aged 20, a previous host country…wpengineAugust 14, 2019
Change Starts Here Climate and ConservationCosta RicaRaleigh Expedition Change Starts Here English Spanish English Protecting Costa Rica’s natural environment With the largest amount of biodiversity per square kilometer in the world,…wpengineJuly 2, 2019
The Past, Present and Future of La Marta Wildlife Refuge Climate and ConservationRaleigh Expedition The Past, Present and Future of La Marta Wildlife Refuge Don Manuel impressed us with his trilingual abilities. During our conversation, it was apparent how much passion and love Don…wpengineApril 26, 2019
Costa Rica’s rain forests makes up 5% of the world’s biodiversity – what we do here matters! Climate and ConservationCorporate VolunteeringRaleigh Expedition Costa Rica’s rain forests makes up 5% of the world’s biodiversity – what we do here matters! Rain forests are a central part of Costa Rican culture and identity. It represents a symbiotic relationship between nature and…wpengineApril 3, 2019
Work continues on projects in national parks and indigenous communities Climate and ConservationCosta RicaRaleigh Expedition Work continues on projects in national parks and indigenous communities English Español English A new team will continue work in La Marta, creating new trails to make the park more…wpengineMarch 1, 2019
Empowering rural communities of Makwanpur and Gorkha to adapt with climate change Climate and Conservation Empowering rural communities of Makwanpur and Gorkha to adapt with climate change Rural Communities of Makwanpur & Gorkha: Adapt with Climate Change Our arrival in Nepal was met with a mixture of…wpengineDecember 7, 2018
Volunteers head out for their final phase. Enviando los grupos para su fase final. Climate and ConservationCosta RicaRaleigh Expedition Volunteers head out for their final phase. Enviando los grupos para su fase final. Dragon Trek This group will be trekking along the Dragon Trek route, covering 250 kilometres in 18 days including trekking…wpengineDecember 2, 2018
Costa Rican and Nicaraguan youth discuss campaigns with British Ambassador Climate and ConservationCorporate VolunteeringCosta RicaRaleigh Expedition Costa Rican and Nicaraguan youth discuss campaigns with British Ambassador The morning began with the ambassador’s visit to one of our groups who are based in La Marta National Park…wpengineNovember 27, 2018