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Why I think young people’s voices should be heard

“Young people are the leaders of today and tomorrow’’

This quote reminds me of how much we can do for our communities as young people. I am passionate about the energy young people are putting in to be the change they want to see. My time volunteering with Raleigh Tanzania on the UK Aid funded Social Accountability through Youth project has amplified my growing interest in youth and development. As young people we must act now to address issues that hinder progress in our communities, this is the time for us to step up. We are not the future generation BUT we are the generation of today and tomorrow, time is never waiting for us.

The population of young people in Tanzania is huge. For me this is an asset. Just like any other country, Tanzania needs to start investing in this population of young people. As a young person, I think I am playing my part now I have been volunteering with Raleigh Tanzania in Dodoma. This opportunity has given me an opportunity to see how much potential I have, as a young person, to make a difference. As part of this project, SAY has helped me speak-up and engage in raising awareness in rural communities. I am now using my voice to advocate change that I want to see. It is challenging, but, it is worth it and has been an eye-opening opportunity for me to be the leader I have always wanted to be.

“Young people are the leaders of today and tomorrow’’

As a volunteer, I have learnt that young people should be proud. They are a large group of people, full of ideas in different aspects of life. We are here and we are looking into agriculture, technology, politics, community development, you name it, young people have ideas. Young people have the energy and can act quickly. In my experience with the SAY project I have seen many young people from different communities step up as community monitors to monitor existing projects and services in their communities. This is an example of what I call the leaders of today and tomorrow.

Young people are a great asset and they should be trusted to engage in community development and change. The more we put young people forward, the more we can build a strong, healthy, well educated, dynamic and innovative network of young leaders within our communities.

Mishru is a Youth Cluster Coordinator on Raleigh’s SAY Programme. The SAY project is being delivered by Raleigh Tanzania in partnership with Integrity Action and is funded by a four-year grant from UK Aid Direct. Do you want to learn more about Social Accountability and CIB approach that can help to be involved in project monitoring and establishing a Joint Working Group? Please download a free toolkit from Raleigh Tanzania

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